Sunday, September 4, 2016

[Update] MessageBlur - javascript against optical character recognition

Your friendly email provider, and everybody else who can get hold of them, runs documents through scanners and optical character recognition (OCR) software.
There are lots of ways to thwart these curious people, for example, using encrypting, or hiding them with steganography tools. Others include Project Seen and the ZXX fonts.
Unfortunately, some ZXX and Project Seen are a little bit too good at what they do.

While playing with text on an HTML canvas, someone came up with a simple way of making the job of OCR software a bit more difficult.  MessageBlur is a small javascript utility for this purpose.

[Update 2/4/2017] An almost complete re-write with cleaner javascript. This will make it much easier to continue to improve the utility.
New feature: a "pencil" tool as well as direct keyboard input. Click in the box frame and type. This does not come with nice editing but is meant to help add nonsense text.
[End update]

Here is a sample screenshot:
This utility turns text into a image and then draws random lines over the image. When the user is satisfied with the result, he or she stops the overlay mechanism. The image in the red box can be saved to the local computer with one click.

[Update 9/9/2016] The pattern now consists of lines and circles (arcs) for improved blending and has a manual line draw feature to add black lines to areas not well covered.
Also updated the description taken from the website.
Added "Peel" feature: once satisfied with the density of lines, circles and manual lines, users can now split the image into two parts. Click "Peel", and one layer of the image will be "peeled off". The "peels" are not visible until the user clicks "Download". At this point, the first "peel" will be saved to a file.

It looks like in this example:
After saving this to a file, the user then clicks "Download" again, and the second "peel" will be saved.

To get the complete blurred message back, simply load the two peels one after the other. The sequence does not matter. The first peel loaded via the "Browse" upload button will appear in reversed colors like this:

As soon as the second peel is loaded, you get the nice complete image like the first one above.
[End update]

[Update 11/7/2016]
    1) Set the text color with a Color Chooser (simply click and select)
    2) Change the width of lines with a slider (also works on the fly)
 [End update]

This is the description from the website's home page:
    What is MessageBlur? 
    <b><a href="MessageBlur.html">MessageBlur</a></b> takes a text from a text area and 
    turns it into an image. It then paints random colored lines over the text. 
    Colored circles are added at the same time.
    This makes it hard or impossible for optical character recognition to figure out
    what a user wrote.
    Once a desired level of obscurity has been reached, the user can save the image
    as a file and transfer is like any other file.
 What's new:
 This is a full re-write of the original utility to improve perfomance and
 simplify the javascript.
 New features:
 1) Pencil tool
 In "random lines mode", this adds letters/symbols/numbers randomly to the image.
 In "free hand mode", it works just like a normal free-hand drawing pencil.
 2) Manual letters/characters directly into the image
 Simply click anywhere, and start typing. A good way to add nonsense text.
 Note there is no blinking cursor, nor are there backspace or delete functions.
 Make sure to try out the "Peel" feature. It splits the image into two, making
        them look as if strips had been "peeled off". 
        To download MessageBlur for use on your computer, <b><a href="">click here for a .zip file</a></b> 
 with the .html and the javascript.

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