Friday, January 15, 2016

Tell the K-Landnews about European law enforcement handling of alleged online drug purchases or sales

The K-Landnews TheEditor did it again - it** rumbled: "don't you morons see there is a story here? Get off your lazy ass and ask the Internet!"

The admonition took place after the mystery document described in Prosecutions in Germany continue in 2016 after the Oct. 2013 Silkroad bust sat on the desk for a few days.
So, we have us a project:
Collect lots of great information pertaining to how European law enforcement prosecutes alleged clearnet (your "everyday" internet with sites like or disney) and Darknet (TOR/I2P) drug crime and write something meaningful about it. Identify what works well, discuss mistakes and issues.

We are interested in both unambiguous and messy cases, where messy means anything dubious at any stage of an investigation. This includes, but is not limited to, legal framework for and disputes over online & physical searches, standard digital forensics tools and potential errors in forensics and attempts at a cover up, lost or compromised evidence, inadequate understanding of the different technical layers involving such criminal activities.

We accept information on both state and federal cases, or equivalent administrative levels.

Alleged purchases should be small (up to about 10g or 20g of pot, between 1 and 3 g of other drugs) because the greatest political and social disputes revolve around how society should treat small time and casual use.

Documents can be in any of these languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian. We'd love to do others, too, and might be willing to accept your help with them, depending on the volume of cases this request produces.

Requested specific information regarding the German cases described in the above linked post:
If you, or someone you know, possesses a copy or the original of a German document that is titled "Zeugenvernehmung" and has the following timestamped footer, please send us a copy:
04 / 2014
Note: At least two document versions with this same footer exist, one version from 18 April 2014, the other from almost to the day a year later (April 2015).
Of course, all other documents regarding this investigation are welcome, too.

In order to obtain a comprehensive and balanced picture of the current state of affairs, please send us any other case files or documents relating to investigations that might be of interest to the public and could shed a light on current practice in your country outside of the stereotypical political warnings that "the sky is falling".

How to contact us:
If you have a protonmail account, you can use the email address

If you use any of the major email providers, please encrypt email with PGP using the K-Landnews public key available here. and use this email address:
We will not respond to unencrypted email to this address.

Other options may be considered, including upload to a TOR hidden service (if and when we decide to upgrade ours to the needs of 2016).

What happens with your information:
It will be downloaded asap and virus and malware checked, the copy on the provider server will be deleted (with the general caveats re providers on that subject). It will then be stored on an external drive. Person names - other than those of government officials acting in their capacity as officials - will be minimized or removed.
You are free to make the names of suspects and witnesses illegible before sending documents but we ask you to leave the names of officials intact.
Also, please do not redact nicknames used for accounts since nicknames of suspected dealers are vital to establish the scope of research into complex cases and to the search for public information on sites such as reddit or in existing mirrors of defunct Darknet sites.
Any posts or articles resulting from the collected information will not include real names of individuals subject to an investigation or of witnesses.
German publishing law/guidelines protect the disclosure of the name of individuals who are not bona fide public figures. We habitually go beyond that by changing names altogether.

To be very clear: None of the documents themselves will be published, this is not a "leaks" type of project. 

Can the K-Landnews be trusted?
Read some posts, and lots of our tweets, then decide. It may not matter much to you, but none of the many stranded facebook users who emailed us in the first year with their account woes has encountered grief from us. Our sources still talk to us.

Other than a completely offline adventure that saw the blogster disrupt a conspiracy by the local adolescent, roids fueled wannabe drug lords (there's an earlier post about that) with their retaliation being the destruction of Christmas lights, life as a hillbilly has been supremely uneventful.

Why not just fire up TOR and sleuth around the net?
Because we are interested in the real life fallout, not in who's who on the net. The realm of what comes after the net activities is the subject of this effort.

[Update 1/15/2016] Felt the need to clarify the project by adding "
To be very clear: None of the documents themselves will be published, this is not a "leaks" type of project."

** TheEditor insists on gender neutrality, hence it. Note: also for the heck of it.

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