Thursday, March 6, 2014

West: you're grounded! Russia: yep, in Crimea.

The big geopolitical issues are so much fun to talk about because you can say whatever you want, feel so important of you are a leader and so powerless if you are at the wrong end of a stick or at the pointed end of a bullet.

We can forget the daily worries and events, the idiot neighbors (might be us if you ask the neighbor).

Ink gets spilled, airtime gets wasted, and people die.

While we are pounded with non-information, the history of a conflict may or may not find mention, and the grocery cashier on a five Euro an hour wage observing very much first hand that the food prices went up again is ignored. We will talk about inflation in another post.

In the meantime, the show must go on.

And it does.

Stay grounded, watch the Daily Show.

And stay away from the once a week German copycat.

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