Friday, May 2, 2014

A Thank You to all frustrated Facebook users

We have bitched about some aspects of Facebook, we have patiently responded to many emails by frustrated users, and today we would like to say thank you to all of them.

Your frustrated search on the web for an email address, a real person to help you with problems makes it so that our initially most useful post on Facebook continues to be the number one or number two top ranking post even after the email addresses are no longer valid.

Not everybody can live in Silicon Valley and be lucky enough to know a Facebookie or meet one in a bar on the weekend, so your options for getting redress are pretty limited.

We continue to recommend Twitter if all else fails. Be nice but to the point, and they will listen.

Our most recent Twitter success story involves a good old utility company in Germany.

A single mom with a voracious teen and a second "stray" teen (long story) had updated her account and noticed the company stopped the monthly direct debit. Several phone calls to the call center later, she received a bill of over 1000 Euros, to be taken out of her bank account in two weeks time.
She lives on that most basic of social benefits regime Hartz IV, and the estranged dad has a habit of flaking on child support.
Another call to customer support, they said they can do three installments of just over 300 each.
Which is almost equal to the monthly government check for one adult. No, she had not "blown" all the money they failed to debit for five months, but she also did not have all of it.

The utility company has a "we help" Twitter account.

One tweet was all it took.

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