Monday, June 10, 2013

Ditch letter 'c' from English

A former child prodigy poetry winner suggested to start a kampaign to remove the letter c from the English language.

The argument: c has no sound of its own, it should simply be replassed by the konsonants that provide the sound, basikally k and s.

We kould not get a statement regarding the word child, but why not keep the c in this one and the other "ch" words?

The traditionalists among us, inkluding most of the K-landnews team, are attached to the letter c and would hate to see it go away kompletely.

This post is a direkt konsequense of a radio show on The Moth about a foreign language learning kompetition at the University of Nebraska involving playwright Eugene Ionesco's play Rhinoceros.

Given the popularity of the show "Release the Hounds", currently playing in the Theatre of the Absurd, we highly rekommend you check out The Moth.

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