Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stopped and Frisky

Slapping wet, gooey, messy stucco on the outside wall took priority over finding a snazzy comment about the "stop and frisk" policy in New York City and mayor Bloomberg's reaction to a court requirement for more oversight of the policy.

That pair of jeans stuccoed in the process now stands without support near the window in the bathroom.

The mayor's comments had indeed an air of "stopped and frisky", and you needed to watch the Daily Show or the Colbert Report to get a perspective not shredded to bits and eviscerated by talking heads and Mr. Bloomberg.

If the nightly news came with a mental health warning label, it would take up half of the TV screen. If the news anchors would have to wear hazmat suits during any particularly toxic segment, the anchors would soon be able to change into a new costume faster than any circus performer.

What would Mark Twain say and write about today's news biz? Judging by his take on the contemporary newspaper industry, it would be great.

The K-Landnews team has an old-fashioned respect for facts which challenge views instead of the lullaby news of the 21st century, and we go to the Freakonomics gentlemen for some of those facts.

So, go and play in the internet traffic, have fun.

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