Saturday, August 31, 2013

Violence is a choice

Science says this.

On National Public Radio today, the show HUMANKIND talked about conflict and conflict resolution. It is a topic of great interest to TheEditor who had the pleasure, it truly is a pleasure, of training in non-violent crowd control and opportunities to apply it in ways to keep thousands of folks happy and peaceful.

Having sat through the whole show, we felt reassured about conflict resolution without war, and we are very certain that many Western leaders are not regular listeners of the show.

Of course, the show's audience does not include many Middle Eastern leaders either.

A perfect choice of activity for us this weekend was collecting hops from a friend's plants and making hop tea.

Strip the hop flowers from the vines, place in a pot pour in water, bring to a boil or heat to just below boiling, let cool down and see what you have.

Make sure to look at a few web sites for hop recipes and warnings. They all come with the generic "Ask your doctor or pharmacist", so please do that.

If you do not have a friend with a few plants, you can buy hops at shops like The Monterey Spice Company.

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