Thursday, April 4, 2013

Frack it, baby

Having included 'contrarians' in the blog audience, we can not complain about a contrarian-sytled article in Die Zeit that calls for an end to the blockade of fracking in Germany, or can we?

Yes, we can.

First, there is no blockade. The current federal government and some states put some rules in place that allow fracking. Slowly, but in the Einsteinian realm of German politics, time can be considerably slower than on the outside.

We are addicted to carbon, says the article's author.

Aha, someone needed an alternative to the worn out "addicted to fossil fuel", we get it.

So, while these blogsters have made proven efforts to reduce their fossil fuel dependency, there is no way we will give up carbon.

This fossil needs fuel, and carbohydrates it is.

Looking at the article again, we can literally see the click-click of the author's thoughts.

There must be something positive, come on, come on...oh, frack it, baby, yeah.

Expertise! Knowledge!

Fracking in Germany will create skills we can then export to countries that do large scale fracking. Germany is small, there is not much to frack, but enough to train fracking experts for exports.

Never mind that others might find it condescending, it's the thought that counts.

Expertise and knowledge do not cause earthquakes!

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