Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dumb-ass nazis

A group we feel we can safely bitch about, at least for now.

In this litigious world we live in, where a single legal bill can take you from the traditional working class all the way down to the precariat, we have finally found a group that won't drag you to court to clear their good name.

Because they don't have a good name.

And because nobody short of a certifiable mental case will stand up in court, proclaim himself a nazi, and proceed to describe the pain and suffering your words caused them and their families, including Adolf the cat*.

There has been some hemming and hawing in the German media recently about the ease with which Adolf (not the cat) pops up on protester placards around Europe. But it seems to us that the vast majority of Germans are pretty relaxed about their chancellor with a square mustache on a greek photo.

We do not know if this is because they chuckle like Mr. Burns: 'we have the money, now release the hounds', or because if they did that paint job at home, they'd likely end up with a felony charge.

If all the collective punishment you get is to be reminded of the nazis every now and then, take it in stride.

It beats the heck out of having your car tires shredded when you left your car  with German plates unattended in Amsterdam over night.

Or to find that a British B & B was quietly off limits to Germans. Or having to fend off serious nazi friendly songs in a rural Spanish bar.

* Adolf the cat is not a fictional cat. He lives down the street and received his nickname by the K-landnews resident observant observer. He sports a white, orange and black coat and just so happens to have a small square-ish black spot under his nose on an otherwise white face.

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