Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Liberalissimo media

With compliments to our American entertainment news friends.

The K-Landnews research team has hit another nugget thanks to its copyrighted method of "random research". *

In the U.S., the mainstream media, are often decried and cited at length and then some for the decline of our culture. The simple fact that folks working in the U.S. media are not so much lefties does not change this made up  image.

What's the situation in Germany?

To our surprise, "random research" has unearthed a poll that should scare every right thinking reader.

According to a poll from 2005, German journos are one heck of a leftist liberal bunch. Out of 1500 respondents, around 61% said they lean towards the Green Party (dangerous loonies, homeland security color code f****ing bright red) and the Social Democrats (kind of redish).
Conservative Christian Democrats and free market FDP came in at a combined 15%. "Others" were 4%, and non-affiliated about 20%.

With this overwhelming advantage, is it a surprise to anyone that Germany is a big socialist experiment with wide open doors for inbound shady immigrants and outbound exports of cars, big scary weapons and other stuff?

Wait, TheEditor says it is not. It** points out deregulation and cuts to the social welfare system as well as a current conservative government and many years before with the conservatives as an almost equal sized "junior" partner in government.

This poses a dilemma to the blogster. How can the conservatives get into power and govern for so long in the face of hostile liberal media?

Is the German population resistant to left wing indoctrination? Did the 20% unaffiliated lie?

There was only one thing to do: go undercover.

So, despite the risks, we turned on "anonymous browsing" in the web browser and hit the web. It became an arduous, exhausting, mentally and physically challenging two hours, in which we narrowly escaped acute hypothermia. Some idiot had left the door open on this chilly spring day.

The result of our investigation is even more sobering than we had planned.

The German liberal media are a bunch of two-faced stooges. Most of the time they go "balanced". They hide their true beliefs behind well researched facts and let folks who hold a different view speak. Not just speak, but speak freely.

This creates an environment in which readers write open comments, a situation in which most people feel they have a fairly decent overall media structure.

* Random research involves going to a website and then advancing in a non-linear, non-predictive fashion on the page or a randomly selected other page of the site. It is based on the findings of Hungarian mathematician and master of randomness Paul Erdoes. The acronym R.R. is pronounced Arrr! Arrr!

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