Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Where is Cyprus?

If there was any money left on the island, you could be wondering whether they paid off the North Koreans to set up a diversion.

When the news first broke about the bailout with the inclusion of bank customers, the cynics in our news room asked one question:

How did they manage to keep that secret?

We now know the answer: They did not.

Initial reports about some money flowing out have now been followed by a list of super savers, showing how forgiving a government can be.

Their version of too big too fail turned out to be very democratic, very pro-individual.

One bank chief was fired, the finance minister resigned, and before it got really interesting, Kim Whatever grabbed the attention.

Not that is matters, but our guess is that neither the banker nor the minister will be hurting. If we were running a broke bank, we'd have some money somewhere; in a mattress on one of the other banking islands; in one of the British vaults; some other safe place.

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