Thursday, April 4, 2013

International Safe Money Haven

Governments are dumb, and people are greedy?

Let's assume for a moment that you have hidden money somewhere and would like to get rid of it.

The International Safe Money Haven (ISMH) Foundation has plans to set up an International Safe Money Haven.

Just like a Safe Haven for babies, but for money.

Why would anybody establish such a mechanism? Because governments are really dumb when it comes to this, and people are really greedy.

Most governments have some kind of amnesty program. You pay up and won't go to prison. That's fine if you have a few grand of undeclared money somewhere.

But, say you are a French minister who opened a foreign bank account through no fault of your own. Or a businessman who would love nothing more than be on the straight and narrow after some youthful indiscretion with that gorgeous foreign bank.

The International Safe Money Haven (ISMH) folks claim that this happens more frequently than you might think. They provided an example of a US businessman who had just started his first business with almost no money and was tempted by a client to open a Cayman's account. According to them, he felt stuck between a rock and a hard place some ten years later when his business was doing great and he felt he could not safely close down the offshore account.

Right now, you have deeply flawed options.

1) Deny and just hope nobody catches you.
2) Leave the money in the bank, and when you die or do not respond to inquires for a few years, they take it all.
3) Invest in Miami real estate.
4) Give it to the government in a "no fines or prison deal". From then on, expect regular audits and scrutiny, and you have no say how the money is spent. They can blow it any way they want, on social moochers or heavy weapons, on clean air or prostitutes and booze. Kiss your political career goodbye.
5) Give it to relatives and associates. They likely have enough or will hide it in their own accounts. They may try to kill you if they think "there is more where that came from".
6) You are out of luck, if you want to give away only some but not all of the cash.
7) Put it into the anonymous org of a US political superpac. Why give even more to US politicians, or any politicians for that matter? This is an option if you want to create a nice crisis later by showing that the cash came from blood diamonds.

If your aim is to remain anonymous and to have one final word over what the funds will do, International Safe Money Haven will be your solution.

Here is what we know so far about the plans.

The recipients of the money will declare it as taxable income under the category "gambling winnings". This means that some of the money is lost to government.
90% of what's left over will go into non-profit work. The sweetener for you is that you can decide upfront which causes will be supported. If you are not interested in sea turtles but want to invest in education, your directive will be binding.
They also intend to establish an upper limit (ceiling) of money accepted per anonymous donor per year, likely either one or two million US dollars.

The creators of the International Safe Money Haven are working on specific contact options and administrative procedures.

They do have an email contact address: safemoneyhaven[at]

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