Friday, January 4, 2013

@Facebook @twitter - 12 Jan, still bad

Lower bound 0 or 1, or timezone issue?

First post of each day not showing on Facebook Activity Log.

All blog posts pushed to twitter and facebook via twitterfeed.

Who's counting?

Jan 2
5 posts, 5 on Twitter, 4 on Facebook

Jan 3
1 post, 1 on Twitter, 0 on Facebook

Jan 4:
5 posts; NOT including this one; 5 on Twitter, 4 on Facebook

Consistently missing is the first daily post, which explains the 0 on FB for Jan 3.

[Update 5 Jan]  Someone worked fast.
3 posts on blog, 3 on Twitter, 3 on Facebook. Anbody feeling like saying Thank you?

[Update 6 Jan]
2 posts on blog, 2 on Twitter, 1 on Facebook; first post of the day is missing on FB
Sorry to rain on someone's parade.

[Update 8 Jan]
Man, only 1 of 4 posts today made it to twitter. Asynchronous jobs are a b****, aren't they?
So discouraged, I will not even check the Facebook count.

[Update 9 Jan]
Both the Twitter and the Facebook are not getting all posts. No, it is not our fault. We have not broken the daisy chain by switching accounts or messing with passwords in one place thus interrupting the flow.

We ain't complainin' either, y' know with that gift horse and so.

[Update 10 Jan]
Two out of four made it via Twitterfeed.

[Update 11 Jan]
3 out of 4 made it.
Final question for you folks in the daisy chain: Google, Twitterfeed,, Facebook -- are you running server maintenance scripts at 12 midnight PST?

[Update 12 Jan]
1 out of 2 missing. So, got both out before 24:00 PST, the second one made it, the first one did not.

Ten days of free QA is enough, we'll do the manual tweets and FB posts but won't update this post any longer.

Six Sigma rocks :-)

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